Belevi Reeds

Selçuk / İzmir

Belevi Reeds

Belevi Sazlığı or Belevi Lake is an important fresh water ecosystem located within the provincial borders of İzmir. Most of the lake is covered with reeds. This situation creates a shelter and breeding area for the creatures living in the lake. The lake hosts fish species such as carp (Cyprinus carpio), Alburnus iron, İzmir mullet (Petroleuciscus smyrnaeus) and freshwater mullet (Squalius cephalus). Bird density is also good thanks to the good fish density. During the winter months, a high number of bird species such as coot (Fulica atra), bahri (Podiceps cristatus), small cormorant (Microcarbo pygmeus), great egret (Ardea alba) and water grouse (Gallinula chloropus) are seen. In addition, the rock marten (Martes foina) uses the lake environment to feed. Mid-Winter waterfowl counts are conducted regularly in the second half of January in the area every year. In addition, songbirds such as the field pine (Emberiza calandra), black-eared tailpecker (Oenanthe hispanica), black-headed skeet (Spinus spinus), redback shrike (Lanius collurio) are seen in the spring and summer period.


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